Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What I'm Thankful For

The first thing I'm thankful for is being able to play tennis. My parents spend a large portion of their money on my tennis which I'm very grateful for. Even when they're having financial problems they'll still spend a lot of their money on tennis lessons and tournaments. During the summer I went to all three of Peter's camps which are all very expensive. The next thing I'm grateful for is having food on the table. In a lot of places homeless people are starving and I'm grateful that we always have a gourmet meal on the table. I'm also grateful that Obama got elected president because I think he'll be able to help the economy and make more job openings in America. Another thing I'm thankful for is being able to do lots of traveling. Even though the 7 wonders idea is kind of out we still plan to do lots of traveling in the next year. We've been to too many places for me to remember so I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful to be able to play piano even though sometimes I don't like it I think it will help me in the long run.

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