Friday, March 7, 2008

Book Review on IN HARM'S WAY

I recently read a book called IN HARM'S WAY which is about the USS Indianapolis which is one of the most horrific things ever to happen during WWII except for Pearl Harbor and the atomic bombs Fat Man and Little Boy. What happened was this ship called the Indianapolis was given a secret package that they had to carry to a country which I think was Guam. Non of the people on board new what the package was but after it was delivered safely, they were notified that they had just carried the bomb that would eventually be the devastating blow to Hiroshima. Everyone had victory cigars and thought nothing could go wrong. The next stop was to another country in which to get to it they had to cross the deepest part of the ocean. They couldn't see the enemy submarine rise from the sea because it's paint was designed to blend in with it's surroundings making it like a stealth sub. It fired about 5 missiles but only 2 actually hit their target. The ship went down fast so captain McVay had to shout abandon ship. When they got in the water, there was oil everywhere so it was almost impossible to swim. Some died just by the shock of it. There were 4 groups of people that were all about 7 miles away from each other. One group was commanded by Haynes, the doctor, another by McVay, the captain, another by McCoy, one of the marines that were put on the ship, and the other I forget. They were in the water with no help and many died or commited suicide. It is known to be the largest shark attact that ever happened. Hundreds died due to the sharks. Eventually they got so thirsty that they began drinking salt water which made them go crazy. The doctor, Haynes, told the many people in his group not to drink it because it definately wouldn't help but they were too thirsty for that so they all happily drank the water. Only hours later, they they began killing each other by drowning them or stabbing with the knifes they were ishued when they joined the navy. They were discovered by an airplane that flew over them and showed where they were by pouring ink in their location. A while later a ship came by and picked everyone up. Actually there were about 3 ships. Out of the 1,240 or so that left California, only 316 remained. It didn't even make front page in the paper and Captain McVay went to court because they claimed he hadn't gotten out a distress signal and failed to zig zag so lost his career. Because of the many hate letters, he eventually comitted suicide. I definately recommend this book because it's very exciting but also sad. I also like how they show it from the 4 different groups point of view. It's amazing and sad that this actually happened.


schnauzer said...

I have seen a documentary about this. I think it was on National Geographic channel. It was difficult to watch. Over the years our soldiers have given much (even their lives) to allow us to have freedom. Freedom is precious.

Amelia said...

yeah it's a sad story. it's one of the largest shark attack's to ever happen