Sunday, March 16, 2008


I haven't been able to blog for a while because we've still been getting used to the whole home school thing but I'm going to try to start posting regularly so don't stop checking it!  We'll start when we had our tennis lesson with Erik (I think that's how you spell his name but I'm not positive).  I thought I was going to play terribly because I hadn't played for about 3 weeks because we were in Hawaii and couldn't bring our racquets for some reason even though the courts there were good because of all the palm trees around them and everything but I think a time off actually helped my game.  My mom thought I would do terribly too because I had an energy drink before it and because I hadn't played in a while.  We were both wrong because I ended up doing really good and we moved on to a shot I hadn't worked on much which is an under spin shot or slice.  It's where you bring your racquet down and it makes the ball stop when it hits the court.  When my lesson was over he told my mom that I worked hard and all that which he barely ever does.  Usually he says that I wasn't quick on my feet or other critiques.  We went to our first home schooled class at the Work's which was about science and art.  In science we learned all about Isaac Newton and did a bunch of hands-on activities such as building our own cars with connects and racing them against other people.  Me and my sister's car got second over all which was pretty good.  We also did and activity where we got an egg and a box and had to make the box cushioned in order for the egg not to break because he dropped it from about 10 feet and the one that didn't break and weighed the least won.  I think we got second in that too.  In the main part of the Work's there's a bunch of science stations set up such as a station where you turn a wheel and it lights up different light bulbs which is supposed to prove the difference between fluorescent and incandescent bulbs.  They also had other stations with magnet's and lights and a bunch of cool stuff.  I made some friends and one of which liked the same bands as me and was planning on learning guitar and all that.  In art class we put plaster over plastic eggs and painted different colors and designs on them.  The different designs were from a different culture and had different meanings for each of them.  I painted a camel and the teacher held it up to the class because she thought it was cool.  Let me reenact, "Oh everybody, look at Gabe's egg, he painted an animal on it, he's going to be the next Monet."  Seriously, I'm not kidding, she really said that.  Today I played tennis with the tennis group and we played doubles during it.  I was surprised that my serve was going in really fast and sometimes, even the older kids couldn't return it.  We also played around the world and I was in the final three which was o.k.   Afterwards, we had a pizza party because it was the last meeting we were going to have.  When I got home we had a soup get together and I hung out with my friend Elliot and taught him how to do a front flip and back flip on the trampoline.  Tada!!!

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