Monday, April 28, 2008

The Old Man and the Sea

For one of my requirements this month, mom and dad are making me read the Old Man and the Sea. They got the idea from a South Park episode that I was watching and the teacher required them to read the Old Man and the Sea. They ended up hiring a bunch of Mexicans to do it for them and it was really funny but they wanted me to find out why the joke was so funny by actually reading the book. I've read to the part where the boy had to go on a different boat because the old man is unlucky and hadn't caught anything for a really long time and he went out one day and his hook caught a fish which just steadily kept on pulling the boat. He spends a long time in the boat and has a lot of memories come to him such as when he beat the record holding arm wrestler in arm wrestling and memories about him and the boy on the boat. He always talks to himself and keeps on saying that he wishes the boy was there. He's going farther and farther out to sea and has to catch his food on other hooks while still holding the line. The fish has already jumped out of the water as if to show him what he's up against and it just keeps pulling him. So far I wouldn't really recommend the book because not much really happens. There are a few memories which are kind of entertaining but all that's really happened so far is that he's sitting on a boat determindly trying to catch a giant fish that's pulling him further out to sea every second.

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