Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Skiing Out West (sorry, we were too busy skiing to take pictures:(

We got up early today to go to Winter Park and ski. We had to get there early because it closes at 4 o'clock. The reason for that is because it can literally take hours to get out if you get lost. When we first got there we went to the rental place and it was a lot more proffesional than Snow Trails. Right when we walked in the door, they had our reservation ready and gave us our boots. At Snow Trails they just kind of hand you a board that they think fits you (I have my own snowboard now but used to rent) but here they ask for your height and weight and attach the bindings on after they look at your boots and make sure that everything's comfortable. We then looked at the map in amazment for about five minutes because there were tons of trails. I don't know how many but it would take me too long to count. When we first got on the lifts we could tell a difference between Ohio and Colorado, the lifts are faster but slow down when you're getting on or off. It only slows down the one chair and not the whole lift too which was convinient. They also had bars that you brought down onto your lap so we didn't have to worry about falling off. The actual slopes were much like Snow Trails except a bit more powdery. The scenery was also amazing. You could see only mountains off in the distance. We had to stick together so we wouldn't get lost and I didn't have my cell phone with me so I ended up having to wait five minutes every three minutes I skiied but I'm not complaining, it was still amazing skiing. There were also about three terrain parks (ramps and rails) and I got to go in two of them. It was really cool because they didn't only have metal rails but also wooden ones which I personally think are more fun. I was surprised because the kids weren't any better than me and if they were only by a little. I wasn't really trying to compare but I was just thinking about how my friends would say they were a lot better than us. Eventually Amelia's head started hurting so we went to a lodge that was halfway up the mountain and got mac n' cheese in a bread bowl with a powerade (there were 6 lodges throughout the resort just showing how massive it was). We also noticed that it was a lot better excerise than Ohio because the runs could be 30 minutes. We were planning on going to the very top of the ski resort which was way over 12,000 feet but it unfortunately closed at 3. After that it was near time to go so we headed back down the mountain which took us a long time because we were way up on the mountain at the time. At the bottom we had them hold our snowboards because we're going back tomorrow but brought our boots with us. In the car we drank all of our propel really fast because were were all thirsty from the exausting runs. I forget to tell about how I got lost, we were planning on meeting at a certain lift so I could go through terrain park but I got lost and was really far away from the lift so I went to where we decided our meeting place would be and I had to wait about an hour before they finally got to where I was. Later I had a turkey sandwich for dinner and the rest of the family had soup. Tomorrow dad said I can go off on my own because I'm going to use my mom's cell (I forgot mine at home because we were in such a hurry to leave). :)

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