Saturday, March 1, 2008

Snorkeling in Champagne pond by Amelia

Today we went to Champagne pond to snorkel. We got up late and went to the snorkel shop to rent some gear. After we got are gear we headed to the spot where we would hike to get to Champagne pond. After driving for a while we finally got to the place. I had found a piece of lava with a green gem in it which I tried to crack but had no luck. After a little way down the path a truck came so we all moved to the side. After passing us the truck stopped and the man that was in it got out. He told us that if we took this way to Champagne pond it would take a long time and we should got back to this other place that has a better way to the pond. We went to the place he told us got lost in the huge neighborhood. We passed a group of people who were looking for Champagne pond as well but they didn't know exactly where it was and there map apparently didn't have Champagne pond on it. We then passed another group people, but they knew where it was, they told us we could follow them and they would show us where it was. When we got there we ate and then went in. We didn't have to get use to it because it was warm because the water is heated by the volcano. In one part of the pond we saw a giant green turtle that kept coming up to breathe. We watched it for a long time before moving on and looking at the other fish. Finally we left and went to Borders, a book store. We all picked out a book, I got a drawing book. Then we went to get ice cream. We went home and I spent almost the whole evening drawing pictures. Then we all went to bed. 

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